23 September 2012


OK, I know I promised a technical blog post - but this is personal and therefore important to me. I'm sure you will understand!

On the 22nd September Marco & I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. After Switzerland and Dubai it was our first time since we started our sailing trip almost one year ago. And I somehow find it the most important one so far. I know there is a saying of "the seven-year itch" and we're only being married for six years now. But to live on a boat together 24/7 somehow counts for two years ;-) Just kidding! True is that if you can live together on a space as small as a boat without developing an urgent need of wanting to throw your partner over board at one point (well, this thought can hit you in some situations...) I'd dare to say that your marriage is on the right path. Nothing is granted in life of course. And believe me, it was not easy to get where we are today! Especially when your husband is like Marco and challenges you with new ideas and pushes you to the limit. I definitely wouldn't be where I am now and on the way to get here I had to face my fears and establish strength. Let me put it like this: I was not always happy and it wasn't always easy for me. But in the end I have to admit that I was growing with every new challenge and I discovered what I'm capable of! For that and for my hubby's genuine love I'm deeply grateful!

A little side story:
On the way to the restaurant our taxi driver Ralph told us about Hurricane Janet that hit Grenada exactly 57 years ago. Even though by then he was only a boy of 10 years he's still able to recall the catastrophic damage and hundreds of deaths it caused in detail. We also learned that he's married since 35 years. He used to travel a lot for work when he was younger and now it's obviously his wife's turn as she's currently working in New York. As I said: challenges are good for you and your marriage!

Click here to check out some more pics from our romantic wedding anniversary dinner in the beautiful The Beach House Restaurant Grenada!

With love from paradise

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